Saturday, May 13, 2017

Family portrait...

We're gonna miss them :)

Scorpion - jet version finished!

It took long... way too long but despite incidents and unforeseen circumstances, now it is... finally...
We're proudly present 1/72 jet version of Scorpion!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Jet Scorpion - fast forward

After the terrible incident with canopy (original has been broken during cutting out from sprue, we had to invest in a another donor kit) we managed to put first color. Unfortunately it went out. Imperfections became visible after first coat so further treatment tomorrow, also we need to buy paint and we're hoping for finishing tommorow.

Monday, April 3, 2017

The beginning of jet engine Scorpion

Hello everybody, this time we have prepared a few shots of late version of Scorpion.
This model is also in 1:72 scale and is based on Aeroplast F-16 model (hull, wings), few parts (mainly engines) from Italerii A-10, an Aires resign cockpit to F-16 + there were and gonna be used, some spare scraps from other models from stash.
At the moment being the most time consuming part was fitting the resign cockpit inside a hull of F-16 model. In the end a lot of fuselage around the cockpit was removed and than, after fitting the cockpit, there was a lot of messy sanding and putty-fu ;)
Here comes photos:

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Wings, engines...


Some photos finally...

We're tried to achieve final shape of fuselage of turboprop Scorpion and I think it's close to end of this dirty part (putty, sanding, repeat...) of building. Wings are almost ready. Engines are prepared to reshaping. These two square things are engine mounts with oil radiators inside.